Currently, you can buy $WIU BRC-20 Tokens on Unisat in lots of 1k and soon on CeFi and DeFi exchanges.
BUY $WIU ON UNISATHave you already figured out what WIU stands for?
Note! The available supply of 12M Tokens will be given out for free and sold to individuals in many different ways. Always with the goal to optimise every sales strategy in order to maximise the potential ROI for ALL shareholders. We might also do airdrops. As a very first step, lots (packages) of 1000 $WIU tokens are made available on Unisat's marketplace.
Then, after some solid preperations and hopefully some good exposure, we will do our very best to get $WIU listed on some leading exchanges, including and at least one decentralised exchange that supports BRC-20 tokens. From there on out, we will start our journey to deliver value and utilise $WIU to build out our products and services. This is just the start, let's GO!
Some details in regards to our 8M token allocation for INNOVATION. This includes everything to accelerate growth to $WIU's overall value as a BRC-20 token. Including, but is not limited to, grants for promising activities that create value, premiums for significant partnerships, such as with popular exchanges and crypto ecosystems. A part might also be used to do airdrops, if we think that it could positively contribute to the ROI for everyone involved in $WIU's BRC-20 Token.
That leaves us with 4M tokens left in this equation, which is ~16.67% of the total supply. This portion is reserved for $WIU's founders and initial team. We think that this is a fair percentage to keep our interests aligned at all times and to keep our motivation going forward, while maximising our community's interests and chances to be part of a lucrative token that brings lots of benefits.
If you can’t write the deal on a napkin, it’s not a good deal.
So that it becomes insanely easy to compare and book tickets, without all these shady methods of ticket platforms that collect all kinds of very privacy sensitive data about us, just to squeeze extra profit. For example, how often you have visited their site/app and what prices you have been shown, what currency you use and what the average purchasing power of your location is etc. all in an attempt to make more money off you with unfair practises, so frustrating!
Let's put an end to these acts in bad behaviour and mark the beginning of the next era of improvement. Making sure that the booking experience of flights tickets are effortlessly and exciting, instead of worrisome and deleting your cookies for the 100th time. We owe that, not only to ourselves, but also to all the talented pilots, flying those majectic birds in the sky and getting us safely to our destination. Note! We'll need quite the resources, if we want to get some competitive carriers with good fleets to partner up with us. It's definitely a challenge and we're more than thrilled to give it our all!
Really looking forward to building a strong and resilient community, backed by a token that shows pricing power 💪 Very excited for this opportunity, I hope you are as well! 🎉
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